Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Love is complicated -- full of sacrifice and compromise. But maybe that’s the best part. - Sally
Maybe getting over someone you’re in love with isn’t impossible. Unless, maybe you don’t actually get over it. Maybe you just learn to live with it. - Felicity
I'm learning little by little that we decide what our lives are gonna be. Things happen to us. But it's our reactions that matter. - Sally
When your heart gets broken, you sort of see the cracks in everything. - Sally
You can't know who that person is, the person who will become your ultimate confidant, your soul mate, or your lover. - Sally
On one hand, expectations can inspire you, but then again, they can really let you down. - Sally
Sometimes bad things just happen -- no reason, no purpose. They just occur and we're left to pick up the pieces the best we can. - Sally
Our best decisions, the ones that we never regret, come from listening to ourselves. - Sally
Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can pretty much change your life forever. - Felicity
Do you know what I definitely believe in? Fate -- that things happen for a reason. – Felicity
Sometimes in a relationship, going through hell isn't so bad if you come out of it a little stronger. The same is true about friends. – Sally
I've become a real believer in not defining every single thing. Seems like everytime you think you've figured out what something is, it just becomes something else. – Sally
If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving one be me. - Sally


polidora said...

che nostalgia...
di certe tinte, di certi sorrisi, di un mondo che non esiste. Di un finale che non ci è stato dato. Questo post non ha molto senso,se non pe me e dori. ma questo già lo rende un post essenziale. Ben tornata a casa.

dori said...

sì tanta nostalgia..
che bel post, cicci. proprio bello.
a presto (?)

dori said...

ultima mattinata milanese.... voglia di qualcosa e non so nemmeno cosa.
ma forse è meglio non pensarci, non indagare, e prendere quello che viene.

polidora said...

...voglia di qualcosa...mmmm...
so io di che cosa...davanti a questa foto di speedman...mah, meglio non diventare volgari..

dori said...

ma....... polidoora!! insomma! mi fai arrossire..

polidora said...

perché arrossire?...insomma, perché sprecare questo ragazzo per una chiaccherata?..(che poi diciamocelo, parliamo due lingue diverse, non ci si capirebbe mai...)!

dori said...

forse hai ragione.. perchè sprecarlo? meglio chiacchierare con chi sappiamo ci capirebbe... comprese le esclamazioni in dialetto salentino?